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School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Now offering two distinct diplomas: Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering

Sustainable Development & LCA


School Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Course Level Undergraduate
Direction Environmental Engineering
Course ID ENVE 443 Semester 5th
Course Category Elective
Course Modules Instruction Hours per Week ECTS

Lectures and Tutorials

T=2, E=1, L=0

Course Type Scientific area
Instruction/Exam Language Greek
The course is offered to Erasmus students Yes
Course URL   (in Greek)



Learning Outcomes

The course is teaching the development of synergies in sustainable development for environmental engineers.
The subject matter introduces students to a subject complementary to their studies in relation to other subjects and enables them to develop further knowledge in the use of economic tools to evaluate measures and policies that lead to sustainable development.
In the introduction of the course are analyzed the relevant terminology and the interaction between the economy and the natural environment (biosphere).  During the course are presenting the criteria and determinants for sustainable management. Also: Unbalanced growth; agricultural, industrial growth; climate change; environmental management systems (EMAS, 14000, 50000); circular economy. Finally, examples are given of relevant European policies.

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

  • understand the main determinants for sustainable (sustainable) development
  • know the key quantitative tools and analysis techniques and policies for sustainable development
  • understand the environment and, in economic terms, to support future applications to protect it
  • evaluates technical projects and policies according to modern environmental systems
  • understand essential aspects of European environmental policy
General Competencies/Skills
  • Project design and management
  • Protection of the natural environment


  1. Economic system and environment. Sustainability. Examples. The concept of development.
  2. Income. Impact of growth rates. Level of development and country classification. Determinants of development. Development with and without technological progress.
  3. Productivity.
  4. Natural resources. Relationship of economic sphere and biosphere. Examples of energy and circular economy
  5. Sustainable management. Economic Growth Standards. Unbalanced growth. Agricultural, industrial.
  6. International financial transactions and technology transfer.
  7. Redefining national income and well-being. Depreciation of national capital. Examples from the World Bank.
  8. Indicators of Sustainable Economic Prosperity
  9. Long-term growth and sustainability. Economics of ecology.
  10. Economics of Climate Change. External economies.
  11. Cost-benefit analysis. Environmental Management Systems -EMAS.
  12. Environmental taxes. Transition to sustainable production systems. Examples from energy.
  13. European sustainability policies. The European Framework Programs for Sustainable Development.


Lecture Method Direct (face to face)

Use of Information and Communication Technology

  • Power point presentations
  • E-class support
Instruction Organisation Activity Workload per Semester
- Lectures 26
- Tutorials 13
- Autonomous study 61
Course Total 100

Assessment Method

I .Student single project (voluntary, 20% bonus)

II. Written final examination (100%).



  • Book (in Greek): Φυσικοί πόροι, περιβάλλον και ανάπτυξη, Αραμπατζής Γαρύφαλλος, Πολύζος Σεραφείμ, ISBN: 978-960-418-153-7, 2008, σελ. 736
  • Book (in Greek):  Οικονομικά και πολιτικές για τη βιώσιμη διαχείριση του περιβάλλοντος και των φυσικών πόρων, Πρωτοπαπάς Α., Kula Erhun, ISBN: 960301950Χ Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλα Α.Ε., 2005, σελ. 493

Relevant Scientific Journals:

  • Desalination and Water Management;
  • Ecological Indicators;
  • Energy for Sustainable Development;
  • Energy Policy Interciencia;
  • Journal of Cleaner Production;
  • Land Use Policy; S
  • ustainable Cities & Society;
  • Technovation 


Course Instructor: Professor T. Tsoutsos (Faculty - ChEnvEng)
Lectures: Professor T. Tsoutsos (Faculty - ChEnvEng)
Tutorial exercises: E. Baradakis (STLS - ChEnvEng)
Laboratory Exercises: