Diploma Thesis Defense by Mrs Ioanna Metalidou

Thesis Title: «The Nagoya Protocol and collections of microorganisms: Current situation of the Greek collections of microorganisms, implementation issues and development prospects»

Tuesday 29 June 2021, at: 17:30, Venue: tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/99154021706


 Diploma Thesis Defense by Mrs Ioanna  Metalidou


Thesis Title:   «The Nagoya Protocol and collections of microorganisms: Current situation of the Greek collections of microorganisms, implementation issues and development prospects»

Tuesday 29  June 2021, at: 17:30, Venue:  https://tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/99154021706?pwd=TzMxOUNjWmJkczNpcFh2TUM4ZzBwZz09


Examination Committee

  1. Efpraxia (Aithra) Maria (advisor)
  2. Danae Venieri
  3. Tryfon Daras


In the present dissertation microorganisms were studied as genetic resources, in the frame of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Nagoya protocol (NP) and the European Regulation 511/2014.

CBD consists of three main pillars. The first one concerns the conservation of the biological diversity, in situ and ex situ, as a public good, the second one the sustainable use of its components and the third the fair and equitable benefit sharing arising from the utilization of the genetic resources and the associated traditional knowledge. The third pillar of CBD is the most specialized and seeks the fair access and benefit from the use of genetic resources, as a national heritage. The Nagoya Protocol and the European Regulation 511/2014, which entered into force in October 2014, aim to introduce an international and a European framework, respectively, which will enable the effective implementation of the third pillar of CBD. Both frameworks establish rules for access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, as well as measures for the compliance of these users. The Protocol has been ratified by 129 countries, including the Greek ratification, in May 2020.

 According to the CBD and the Protocol, genetic resources are defined as plants, animals or parts thereof, as well as microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.), which carry genetic material potentially useful for humans and are found in natural conditions or / and in ex situ conservation collections (eg Botanical Gardens, Microorganisms Collections etc)

It is commonly accepted that genetic resources have a great importance for the human kind, during its evolution. Especially microorganisms, which are also significant genetic resources, have played a great role throughout human history.

Their properties are subjects of research and development in various scientific fields, including medicine, agriculture, ecosystem decontamination, biotechnology, bioenergy, etc. They are also used for commercial purposes and cover a wide range of product applications (pharmaceuticals and, biofuels, cosmetics, food, beverages, vaccines, etc.).

Collections that maintain microorganisms outside their natural ecosystems (ex situ collections), play a vital role in their study, reproduction and development of new products.

The enormous value of the collections of microorganisms is given in the present dissertation. The owners of the Greek collections answered quite a large number of questions. The answers were processed by statistical methods and many interesting conclusions emerged. The level of knowledge of the Greek owners of collections of microorganisms for the CBD, the NP and the EU Regulation is high, but there is a lack of familiarity as regards the practical issues of the Protocol, due to their low involvement with their commercial use. They also seem to be positive in the improvement of cooperation with both native and foreign owners of collections. They would also think positive about collaborating with the Voluntary Register of Collections, which the EU Regulation 511/2014 suggests.